Subscriber feedback data for a Campaign.
Attributes | Type | Description | Optional | Default |
campaignIdentifier | xs:int | Campaign identifier. | No | |
campaignSize | xs:int | Campaign recipients count. | No | |
views | xs:int | Total number of viewed messages. | No | |
uniqueViews | xs:int | Number of unique view events. | No | |
hiddenViews | xs:int | Number of clicks from recipients who had no associated view event. | No | |
webMailViews | xs:int | Messages viewed by a Web-mail client. | No | |
clicks | xs:int | Total number of clicks. | No | |
uniqueClicks | xs:int | Subscribers who generated at least one click event. | No | |
bounces | xs:int | Number of bounced (failed) messages. | No | |
fblComplaints | xs:int | Subscribers who complained about spam to their email service provider. | No | |
tafClicks | xs:int | Total number of Tell-A-Friend events. | No | |
uniqueTafClicks | xs:int | Unique number of Tell-A-Friend events. | No | |
blacklisted | xs:int | Number of recipients recipients who have been added to the suppression List (blacklist) as a result of sending this campaign. | No | |
blacklistMatches | xs:int | Number of recipients who are already on the suppression list (blacklist) and did not receive the campaign. | No | |
listunsubscribe | xs:int | Number of recipients who unsubscribed using list unsubscribe. | No | |
delivered | xs:int | Number of messages delivered to destination. | No | |
cancelled | xs:int | Number of messages not sent due to a delivery interruption. The Campaign state returns INTERRUPTED. | No | |
temporaryBlacklistMatches | xs:int | Number of recipients who are temporarily on the suppression list (blacklist) and did not receive the campaign. | No | |
errors | xs:int | Number of messages not sent due to syntax errors in the recipient email address. | No | |
unsubscribed | xs:int | Number of recipients who unsubscribed via the Contactsend subscribe management system. | No | |
updates | xs:int | Number of recipients that updated their profile via the update profile link, if enabled. | No | |
temporaryBlacklisted | xs:int | Number of recipients who have been added to the temporary suppression list (blacklist) as a result of sending this campaign. | No | |
trackingDetails | TrackedLink[] | Per-link tracking details. | No | |
bounceDetails | BounceDetail[] | Per-bounce category details. | No |