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A container for subscriber-related data.

identifierxs:intSource unique identifier.Yesnone
namexs:stringSource name.No
descriptionxs:stringSource description.Yesnone
subscriberIdentifierFieldNamexs:stringName of the field containing the subscriber unique identifier. (Do not set if you wish Contactsend to manage the unique identifier for you.)Yes
fieldsSubscriberSourceField[]Subscriber source attribute fields.No
charsetCharsetSubscriber data character set. Used as the DEFAULT campaign charset if none has been set for the message.YesISO_8859_15
lockedxs:booleanuserDB unavailability flag.Yesfalse
readOnlyxs:booleanWrite prevention flag.Yesfalse

Assigning subscriber unique identifiers

To assign unique identifiers, set the subscriberIdentifierFieldName attribute for each subscriber, according to the following rules:

  • Subscriber identifier values must be positive (>0) integers
  • A subscriber unique identifier must be provided each time you add a new subscriber
  • The subscriberIdentifierFieldName field must NOT be included in an entry under fields – always use the specific attribute instead

Using a custom .NET client

If you generated your own .NET client from our WSDL, make sure that the charset property has no default value; otherwise the client would avoid sending the charset field letting the server user its own default, that may be different from the one you chose.