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Subscriber source field type.

FLAGxs:stringA boolean flag field. Values: 0 or 1.
DATExs:stringA date field. Values: any ISO8601 valid date.
DATETIMExs:stringA date/time field. Values: any ISO8601 valid date and time.
DOUBLExs:stringA decimal field accurate to two places.
INTEGERxs:stringA numeric field. Values: [-2147483648, 2147483647].
POSITIVE_INTEGERxs:stringA numeric field. Values: [0, 4294967295].
LONGxs:stringA numeric field. Values: [from -263 to 263-1].
CHARxs:stringA single alphanumeric character field.
STRINGxs:stringAn alphanumeric field. Up to 255 characters.
TEXTxs:stringAn alphanumeric field. Maximum size: 64 KB.
TIMExs:stringA time field. Values: any ISO8601 valid time.
TIMESTAMPxs:stringThe number of seconds since 01/01/1970.